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Intuitive Operation, Dependability,
Performance and Value since 1972

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CKT Overlay-3025613667
Load Cell, 6kg (4 / 8a)-3091011496
Load Cell, 10kg (8 / 8H / 16a / 16aH / 4001)-3091011493
Loadcell 16 / 35a - HLH 20kg cell-3031009115
Load Cell (30)-3021010514
Load Cell, 50kg (48 / 48UH / 100a)-3021010841
Main PCB, non-approved-3024813416
CKT Display PCB w/ Cables-2020014045
12VDC 800mA Power Supply, no tip-3034013767
Plug Tip (United States), attaches to 3034013767-3034013768
6VDC 4.5Ah Battery-302405088
Spirit Level-301007061
Battery Cover-3022312946
Mains Inlet Socket-3024013660
RS-232 PCB-3024813449
Upper Housing-3022313094
Lower Housing-3022313093
Stainless Steel Top Pan-3031412944
Plastic Sub Pan-3022313686
Battery-charging PCB-3024813448
USB Port Cover Screw (ST29X9 5 pan head self-tap screw)-3021713661
USB port cover-3022313688