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Analytical Balances

Adam Equipment manufactures a wide range of analytical balances and moisture analyzers that are suitable for several segments within the botanicals industry.

Our Equinox and Solis semi-micro and analytical balances and Luna analytical balances are ideal for medical research but would also be well suited for manufacturers of botanicals and CBD products such as topical creams, oils, edibles and vape cartridges. Our PMB moisture analyzers help growers and processors prevent microbial contamination by ensuring proper moisture levels. 

Our Products

Analytical Balances

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  1. Luna Analytical Balances

    With plenty of features and functions, Luna analytical balances accommodate basic to complex applications. Luna’s stylish LCD features large, 24mm digits on a black background. Multilingual text capability makes Luna ideal for users in various regions.

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    Capacity : 80g to 250g

    Readability : 0.0001g

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